Residents from the Cedar Rose Park area are looking to qualify the “Berkeley Pickle-Dome” measure for the March 2022 ballot. The measure would prioritize the use of $10 million in Measure T-1 funds to encapsulate the pickleball courts in a translucent dome to mitigate noise emanating from the court. Residents who initially asked the city to remove the courts felt the Pickle-Dome would be a compromise measure that would enable the popular sport while affording residents peace and quiet. Asked about the high price tag, a local activist indicated a major driver was the use of a specialty starch-based polymer derived from organic potatoes. “The neighborhood council decided we really need the Pickle-Dome to be carbon neutral and pesticide free; this bio-polymer is the logical choice. In addition, a fully encapsulated dome would allow players to utilize the court in any weather, so there is additional return on investment.”