The city council voted unanimously to recognize former CM Cheryl Davila’s unmatched talent for the airing of grievances by erecting a Festivus pole in San Pablo Park in her honor.
“This pole will stand in honor of CM Davila in perpetuity,” declared Mayor Arreguin. “As she showed in her final airing of the grievances as a CM, Cheryl is the GOAT.”
UCB Professor and Chair in Grievance Studies, Itsna Fare, a leading expert in grievance airing through puppeteering, will deliver an address to Festivus celebrants gathered at the pole: “Scorched Earth: how to win at losing against the designated marionette.”
“Festivus may be for the rest of us,” noted Davila-watcher Ya Bazik. “But when it comes to airing grievances, Cheryl is the best of us.”