Ask the Bunion: Nouveau Wine Predicament

Ask The Bunion is a periodic column offering expert guidance to our readers. Questions are welcome at This week’s advice columnist, Ivanka is a regular contributor to The Bunion.

I am a long time Beaujolais Nouveau event groupie. I have been celebrating Beaujolais day for decades. Recently my friend AKA Solar Guy has been hounding me for my carbon footprint and the social need to only purchase food and wine produced within 50 miles. He pointed out there are some lovely dry farm natty reds grown in Northern California that reduce carbon emissions by 25-fold. It’s impacting our relationship. While I love organizing wine and cheese events to celebrate Beaujolais Day, I am not sure what I would do without out Solar Guy constantly critiquing my lifestyle choices. What should I do?


Dear Francophile

Your challenge is a common one in Berkeleyhow to express our inner desire to be France while staying true to our environmental bumper stickers. After all, even environmentalists like an earthy young red.

Perhaps you can suggest to Solar Guy you will purchase carbon offsets for each bottle of Beaujolais consumed. Alternatively, consider buying one bottle of Beaujolais and then refilling it with that natty California red. Look after throwing back a bottle no one will be able to tell the difference anyway.

Good luck I hope this helps
