Darby Tyro is a long term on and off and on again denizen of Berkeley, pursuing a special interest in turning over rocks, giving second glances and bureaucratese haiku.
A recent Zoom Townhall to address a surge in armed robberies and shootings, hosted by Councilmembers Taplin, Bartlett and Mayor Arrequin, had included advance emailed invitations to constituents of the involved districts to attend, encouraging all viewpoints which was restated by the Mayor during opening comments. As citizens contributed in the “chat” during the video/audio proceedings some were rewarded with a sudden disconnection from the meeting with the Zoom notice “You have been removed by Host” and unable to connect. Zoom default settings would prevent those Removed from joining further sessions, as well.
Thus, our leaders have taken further advantage of these technological replacements for meetings, combining these with the city’s Cancel Culture policies to Remove people if they say anything not approved, appreciated or consistent with the party line. Instantly! And sparing all others in attendance from any muss or fuss, as would be the case to have security drag people out of the room in plain view. These efficient Removals of dissidents fouling public events with inconvenient facts and topical remarks not in keeping with official preferences are so transparent, as to be invisible!
The Removed are currently discussing not having a logo designed for jackets, caps and t-shirts which will not be worn in public, readying a club proudly sharing their newfound status, in time for the anticipated swelling membership.
The Hosts were later contacted, seeking their comments about the claimed Removeds. To a person, all said, in effect: “Who?”. Requests to city records asking which records are kept and, in particular, for evidence of Removals were met by a Deputy City Attorney with a refreshing switch from invisibility to opacity, assuring that all records had been released which were – nothing. Job well not done!