Danny O’Sullivan, a third generation Berkeley resident and Master Carpenter has assembled a group of like minded Irish Americans who are out in force today with a message that it is beyond time to end St. Patrick’s day in America. The group has assembled at the corner of Solano and Santa Fe to protest the […]
About: Humpy Stiverson
- Profile
- Bunion Co-founder, Humpy Stiverson, is a 3rd generation Berkeleyan. One of two other registered Libertarians in Berkeley, and the only Vegan Libertarian in Alameda County, Humpy fancies himself a free thinker, pacifist, environmentalist and compassionate eater. He is attracted to stories and events that deal with the authoritarian tendencies of Berkeley public figures, expose the hypocrisy of Berkeley busybodies, and address the wastefulness embodied in modern higher education. In his free time Stiverson enjoys high adventure outdoor activities, volunteering with youth organizations, and studying Austrian Economics.
Posts by Humpy Stiverson:
City Council Seeks To Defund Lifeguards
A group of local activists has successfully petitioned the Berkeley City Council to start a Defund the Lifeguards task force. The group’s leader Frum P. Bleedingheart was at Willard Pool (totally kidding South Berkeley) King Pool and noticed a group of 4 children engaged in a round of Sharks and Minnows that appeared at risk […]
An Ode From The Road to My Beloved Berkeley
Twitter Deplatforms Stiverson For Violating Terms of Service
As part of Big Tech’s purge of anyone and everyone disrupting the main stream left wing group think, Award Winning Bunion reporter Humpy Stiverson has been kicked off of Twitter. Twitter could not be reached for comment but their email to Stiverson indicated that he had violated Twitter’s terms of service. Astute observers seem to […]
“Scavepreneur” Steve Kettlefish Anxious For Rains To Return To Thin Competition For Frisbee Retrieval At Aquatic Park
Scavepreneur – one who scavenges and creates a market for found, stolen and repurposed goods. Steve Kettlefish is a self described Scavepreneur, He deals in many markets including pallets, bike parts, and all kinds of recyclables, but his favorite market is frisbee retrieval from Aquatic Park. A good frisbee can capture $8-18 on eBay, and […]
Berkeley Community Comes Together For Week of Self Loathing
On the heels of Berkeley’s extremely virtuous United Against Hate Week, and unable to come to grips with the fact that by global historical standards 100% of Berkeley residents, even the poorest, are in the top .1% of wealth holders in the history of humankind, Berkeley resident developed United For Self Loathing Week. During this […]
Amidst Pandemic Berkeley Scolds Find ‘Absolute Joy’
THIS STORY HAS BEEN UPDATED 12/8 7:23 AM Although some residents flocked to Berkeley to enjoy free love, free speech, free thinking and tolerance for a wide range of ideas, Berkeley has also long enjoyed its global position as the capital of telling other people what to do. This has created a dichotomy in its […]
Amidst Ongoing Pandemic College Career Centers Report High Unemployment for Recent Grievance Studies Grads
The ongoing Covid 19 pandemic has had disastrous consequences for many recent graduates as indoor coffee consumption has plummeted. Peet’s, Starbucks, Blue Bottle and many third, fourth, and fifth wave coffee establishments have reported staffing cuts, hiring freezes and store closures reducing demand for newly minted college graduates. Allma Nhater, a recent Grad whose thesis […]
New Venture Alert – The Berkeley Bicycle Buy Back Bus
Periodically the Bunion is so captivated by a new venture that it deserves a profile. This week we had just such an experience when we encountered the Berkeley Bicycle Buy Back Bus. Quint B, as it is called by founder Dun Bendingover, is an enterprise that buys recently stolen bicycles for cash from what it […]
Study Finds Coddling Adults Yields Favorable Outcomes
A recent paper out of the Institute of Grievance Studies indicates that delaying the consequences for poor decision making can yield favorable outcomes for some adults. According to Professor Leih Der Hosen, The Institute’s Director of Applied Research for the Justification of Enhanced Taxation to Support the Unproductive, enabling certain behaviors can lead to favorable […]